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Pathological Behavior

August 20, 2014

'Personality pathology refers to enduring patterns of cognition, emotion, and behavior that negatively affect a person's adaptation. In psychiatry and clinical psychology, it is characterized by adaptive inflexibility, vicious cycles of maladaptive behavior, and emotional instability under stress.'

Ramble of the day:

I've noticed many odd things with this white pathological behavior...there is the usual running in circles, dodging the truth, turning the tables...

there are also the statements: "you (*BIPOC) act like victims", "(BIPOC) always complaining" and "this is reverse racism", "we're racists if we say anything", "my tax dollars", "you do it to yourselves" or falling back on old stereotypes back ups.

to me this all screams projection. To act & point fingers because they 'FEEL' it is their god given right, instead of trying to actually be an ally with compassion, empathy, & caring. God forbid those emotions turn into some sort of helpful action.

To me that means people who do not act to change what they bitch about may just want it to stay the same.

They feel better by scapegoating the lessor. When they say these things it is really about them but its sad they are so willfully blind to realize this truth.

When you begin to poke holes in their bubble then they hold tighter to these false emotions that are masked as arguments. It is their comfort...

I'm not saying ALL act this way and I'm sick of having to be specific as not to offend anyone - if your so inclined to offense then your inclined to ally it up & counter these types of people for me...

I am also not saying First Nations are all perfect either. My people are pushed against the wall so they retaliate with insults & anger...whereas white people who react with stereotypes & emotional responses are the ones who helped build or help to enforce that wall...

Here is a hint: If you don't want to be called racist then don't act or talk like one...

tax dollar is treaty obligation. If you do not like it then do not pay it and fight the ones who make you pay it. Its that simple (look up 'Indian monies & trust')…

We can talk about these issues, in fact many people do (i.e.. universities, lawyers, governments), but just have an civil intellectual conversation. But know, BIPOC, do not have to engage.

telling our truth as we see it is not complaining...

'we do it to ourselves' because maybe it has always been the way you treated us...

The argument that we play the victimhood card is no longer acceptable.

*BIPOC: Black, Indigenous, People of Color.

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